Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hello my people I can't wait for the middle school retreat I'm soooo phyched for it and I'm really looking forward to getting to know some of the girls from the rock that are going !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo excited can you tell?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm out ttyl


Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I DID IT! I ran a mile in 15 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so proud of myself! i have to go take a shower but I DID IT!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Hello, I'm at Bruce's house ummmm... and she says heyyy!!! we had an awsome time lastnight we stayed up untill 1:30 and we wer HYPPERRRRRR it was bruce, dory, erin, fishy, hailee and me. we played mafia and it was hilarrious (it's all tonys fault(inside joke)) then we decided to write letters to gina so we all sat down w/ a peice of paper to our selves and we each told her a mafia story and then we all signed one peice of paper and decorated the envelope and we're gonna print out some pictures and send them in the envelope also. and we put a joker from the card deck in and wrote stuff on it and all of our names. and we might beg kay to walk to like giant eagle and the thrift store and ICECREAM lol. Bruce had to get up really early to go to cheerleading(she's complaining about her instructer). shannon *the dog* is barking!!!! and earlier shadow was snoring lol and she sounded like a person! weird i should probably go. ttyl8er bye

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Hey I decided to put some pics. on my blog so we'll see how this works!
This is my friends youth leader who led our small group
this is soccerbandit188 and mandy my friends that live on the street
This is my small group of crazy people from left to right : Soccerbandit (kt), Kevin, Lauren, Tomas, and Leah!

Hope you like the pics!

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Hi People,
I'm at my friends house blogging HA!

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... i just wanted to log on and tell yall that ha ha ha ha lol ttyl,

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Dory tagged me

list 20 people in random order
1. Hailee
2. Dory
3. Katie(Ted)
4. Bruce
5. Fishy

6. James
7. Jon

8. Jerimiah
9. Alyssa

11. Melissa
12. Tony
13. Amy
14. Nathan
15. Kayla
16. Erin Houch
17. Amanda Pete
18. Dan
19. Cleb
now the questions....
How old is # 1? 11 (Soon to be 12)

What is #2's middle name? Grace
Have you ever kissed # 3? Yep
What reminds you of #4?NEMO
How do you know #5? CHURCH
Would you go out with #6? no
Is #7 older than you? yes
Do you know #8's parents? yes how could i not

How much do you love #9? More than she knows
Whats #10s fav color? I don't Know
Would you go out with #11? no
Have you ever hugged #12? no
Describe #13 in one word:Fun
Does #14 hav any pets? yes,2 dogs and four bunnys
Have you ever gotten drunk with #15? absolutly not
What is #16's middle name? No Clue
whould u date #17? No
what is #18 nickname? Dan
Have you ever kissed #19? no
What reminds you of #20? Pink

I Tag KTF ha ha ha
lol ttyl

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Wad up Dog??

Ok so Dory tagged me and they cracked down on all the under-13's on xanga!

7 things to do before I die:

1. go to mexico and be able to speak spanish

2. get married

3. read the entire bible at least twice

4. go to collage

5. maybe go to highschool

6. have a better relationship with the lord

7. go to Italy

7 things I cannot do:

1. pay over 20 dollars for an article of clothing

2. cook (someday)

3. Read LORD OF THE RINGS TRILOGY all the way thru

4. Play Basketball (shoot hoops yes play bball no)

5. Do anything but pull up and down with a yoyo

6. backhandspring (hopefully)

7. paint designs on my fingernails

7 things that attract me to a guy:

1. a good sense of humor

2. has devoted his life to the lord

3. get's my dad's jokes

4. can play an instrument

5. Hm...

6. ..............

7. ???

7 things that i say:

1. (sarcastic) Yippe

2.What ever

3. Dude

4. holla

5. waz up?

6. howarya?

7. I'm HYPER

7 books i like:

1.Harry Potter

2. The sisterhood of the traveling pants


4. Purpose Driven Life

5. Artimis Fowl

6. Andrew Clements books in general

7. I, Houdini

7 movies i like pretty well:


2. Court Jester

3. Charlie and the Chacolate Factory (New Version)

4. Because of Winn-Dixie

5. Sky High

6. A Series of Unfortunate Events

7. Holes

I like harry potter


Monday, March 20, 2006


right now I'm listening to "Pure" by Superchic[k]. Good song.

y'all don't comment on my posts and maybe if you commented more then I'd post more! HA!

Katie is Watching "Sky High" in Espanol (Spanish)

Tomorrow we have dance and life group and on Wednesday I have a smallgroup that I go to at my friends church, which is fun.

I LOVE AMERICAN IDOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chris Daughtry ROCKS (literally). Mandisa is SOOOOO cool, and Kevin dosen't deserve to be there.

I have a cold. No fun.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Hello ( sniff sniff )

Hello ( sniff sniff )
I happen to have a cold! :( and well as yall know they're NO FUN and i don't like them and you probably don't like them either!
tomorrow we have a "Discovering Grace Summit" class at church tomorrow morning and Dory and I have to go and babysit while KT is also babysitting in the neighbourhood for a baby so we're all gonna be babysitting tomorrow.

Visit my Xanga! there's a link on the side bar it says MY XANGA wow that was simple!
on my xanga there will probably be more of me complaining about my nose and how annoying it is!

i g2g but i will post within the next week!!!! ( and if i don't check my xanga)


