Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I'm Tard and Fetherd (meaning i'm really tierd)

SO... just now i went with dad to go drop off the girls at Sheetz where Kara (the dance teacher) picks them up for their job on wednesdays. we call them wonderfull woosterful wednesdays!
AND today is Miss KatieYack's BIRTHDAY

HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY KATIE You have lots of presents waiting for u when u get home!

OK uuuuummmmmmm............... uuuuummmmmm.............. Today this is my sechedule get up at 6:30, read till 7:00, eat breakfast untill 7:25, do ktyacks makeup untill 7:45, leave to drop the girls off at their job that lasts untill 8:15, come home BLOG untill i have no clue what time ( whatever time that i posted at), do school, mom's friend is coming over for lunch at 11:30 untill 2:00 in which i can do anything i want ( i'll most likely read Jinx on the Divide by Elizabeth Kay) then do more of whatever i want ( most likely the computer) then at 3:10 go pick the girls up from their job and then whatever!

i have to go and do school w/e so,
ITAPT (i'll try and post tomorow or later)

1 comment:

H. Yackley said...

dude, u need to do sumthin other than the compu!!!!

meaning, get urself a nice, big, time-consuming project away from the compu :D