Tuesday, August 21, 2007

It's been awhile

since I've posted! So, a lot has happened since I've posted because... it's been awhile.

I went to LT, which a lot of people don't know, which is weird, but I went, because Mom and Dad went as leaders so I got to tag along, which was fun. I also learned a lot which is good too. I think that that was one of the best weeks of my life, and I'm so pumped for the Middle School Retreat! I was the youngest person at LT, and I'm going to be the oldest person going to the Middle School Retreat so it's really great to be able to show the leadership that the teens showed me, to the younger girls especially. Katie might be going to the MSR which I think would actually be fun. I agreed that if I went to LT, then she could go to the Middle School Retreat, I thought it was only fair.

Since LT life's pretty much been a blur. We've been cleaning and getting stuff together for school and all that good stuff. Katie and Mom are actually at Akron U right now, figuring out where Kate's classes are/ where she's going to park. School starts on Monday, but Hannah and I probably won't do much on Monday, because Mom's going with Katie to Akron for her first day, to help her with parking and whatnot. Green starts on Tuesday. I can't wait for dance to start again! I missed so many people, some of which will be in Katie and Hannah's class but I'll have to go to their class to see her (Emma).
I think that's about all for now so... adios amigos. I'll try and post more often, and what I post here I'll post on my Myspace blog!

1 comment:


hello im jonny.........yep