Saturday, April 30, 2005

Baby Sitting & Soccer

Hi everyone,
We ( kt Hannah and I ) Just got back from baby sitting the Kile Kids ( there r 3 of them Lauren, Madison, And Zack) they are triplets. In general they're good so here's how it went when I was there: We got there and ate dinner and watched part of the incredible and part of world race then we put them to bed I called dad and he came and picked Hannah and I up then like 20 minutes later kt came home and the Jundis were here and Alyssa was playing the piano and it was really cute but then when she had to get up she started to cry ( she's only like 1 1/2 ) and then she hugged all of us good night and they went home and we brushed our teeth and I'm writing this.
then this morning we had our soccer game and we LOST 9-1 them but they're like the best team so cant really blame them.
I g2g2 bed so,
Night all

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Hi every body,
I'm really tired,
and tonight I have soccer practice then we ( our family) is going to see barkly ( still not sure if that's how u spell that) but yeh any ways I kinda gotta go do school.
if I figure out how I'll try and post some pictures of barkly on here.
I g2g
by itapml ( I'll try and post more later)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


today mom had to be somewhere at 10:20 and of all the days today has to be the day that... i'm getting to that.
it started out like a not normal day for me because i slept in so i got up and when i started school we all heard this really loud BANG and so mom was looking all around to try and find what had made the noise.
so she goes to leave and presses the garage door button and it doesn't do anything so she can't get the car out to leave. so she calls our neighbor and he comes over and FINALLY fixes the garage door so mom can get out, but it's still kina broken because you can't hit the button because something's not Lined up right so yeh.
i got 2 go finish school but i might post later,
Bye ipl ( i'll post later)


today mom had to be somewhere at 10:20 and of all the days today has to be the day that... i'm getting to that.
it started out like a not normal day for me because i slept in so i got up and when i started school we all heard this relly loud BANG and so mom was looking all around to try and find what had made the noise.
so she goes to leave and presses the garage door button and it doesn't do anything so she can't get the car out to leave. so she calls our neghbor and he comes over and FINALLY fixes the garage door so mom can get out, but it's still kina broken because you can't hit the button because something's not ligned up right so yeh.
i got 2 go finish school but i might post later,
Bye ipl ( i'll post later)

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Today and Yesterdays events

Hi, last night we got some exciting news!!!!!!!:)
Our friends ( Angie & Jason) just moved into a new house in the middle of March and last night they GOT A DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which is really exciting because Angie had wanted a dog for a long time, and on the 27th (I think) is their anniversary so it was kind their anniversary present to each other and we might see Barkly ( I think that's how you spell it and Barkly is the dogs name) Monday night or Friday night.
Mom and I went shopping and we got him some little chew toys. I'm going to make a list
Name: Barkly
Gender: Male
Age: 2 1/2 months
Birthday: Feb. 13th
Owners: Jason & Angie

Jason and Angie were trying to think of names and Jason thought they could call him (Because he's black and Jason is a big Star Wars fan ) Vader, but Angie thought that they should name him Mickey or they finally decided on Barkly.
I've got to go to bed so,
Night all

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Hi Again

Hey Y'all we didn't have a soccer game this morning because the feilds were so soggy and it was raining really hard.
But that means that the Kline girls got to stay longer so right now their parents are here and Mr. Kline and my dad went to get pizza for lunch and they just got back and Morgan just gave me my BIRTHDAY PRESENT.
I have to go and eat some lunch,
i'll post later,

Friday, April 22, 2005


Hi again TOMORROW I have a soccer game. That may not be realy big to some of y'all but in the forcast 4 tomorrow is............. SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S APRIL 23rd TOMORROW FOR HEAVANS SAKE ITS SPRING I DON'T WANT ANY MORE SNOW.
But to get back on track ( to directly quote my sister KT ) this is going to be our second game as a team ( I've played soccer for 2 yrs. ) and in our first game I SCORED that would be like the 4th time I've scored in my entire life :) !!!!!!!! ANYWAYS we won our game last week but only by 1 point but the score was 2-1 us so that was FINE with me.
I g2g,


Hi everybody today is friday and on some fridays we have art and this just happens to be one of them and later after art Kt, Hannah,( my sisters) and I are all going to have our friends over to spend the night and they are all sisters too Lauren, Erin, and Morgan well I got to go so we can go to the library before art
I'll try and post something tomorrow after soccer ( in the morning )