Saturday, April 30, 2005

Baby Sitting & Soccer

Hi everyone,
We ( kt Hannah and I ) Just got back from baby sitting the Kile Kids ( there r 3 of them Lauren, Madison, And Zack) they are triplets. In general they're good so here's how it went when I was there: We got there and ate dinner and watched part of the incredible and part of world race then we put them to bed I called dad and he came and picked Hannah and I up then like 20 minutes later kt came home and the Jundis were here and Alyssa was playing the piano and it was really cute but then when she had to get up she started to cry ( she's only like 1 1/2 ) and then she hugged all of us good night and they went home and we brushed our teeth and I'm writing this.
then this morning we had our soccer game and we LOST 9-1 them but they're like the best team so cant really blame them.
I g2g2 bed so,
Night all


H. Yackley said...

not 20 minutes...Kt was home in, like 5 minutes!

Katie Y. said...

And yes, we could blame it on them--well, not them, but the coach, because he was running the score up. But oh well.