Sunday, April 24, 2005

Today and Yesterdays events

Hi, last night we got some exciting news!!!!!!!:)
Our friends ( Angie & Jason) just moved into a new house in the middle of March and last night they GOT A DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which is really exciting because Angie had wanted a dog for a long time, and on the 27th (I think) is their anniversary so it was kind their anniversary present to each other and we might see Barkly ( I think that's how you spell it and Barkly is the dogs name) Monday night or Friday night.
Mom and I went shopping and we got him some little chew toys. I'm going to make a list
Name: Barkly
Gender: Male
Age: 2 1/2 months
Birthday: Feb. 13th
Owners: Jason & Angie

Jason and Angie were trying to think of names and Jason thought they could call him (Because he's black and Jason is a big Star Wars fan ) Vader, but Angie thought that they should name him Mickey or they finally decided on Barkly.
I've got to go to bed so,
Night all


Abby said...

I can't beleive they got a dog they got him at the mall and they just bought him ( or adopted)oh and he's a papapoo short for papillion poodle mix. But he's only going to get 10-15lbs. so he'll be really cute!
Jason has a goatee and Barkly has a little white stripe on his chin that Angie thinks looks like Jasons goatee
night all again

Abby said...

p.s. that time's wrong it's really 9:20

Abby said...
