Wednesday, December 07, 2005

I'm Tard and Fetherd (meaning i'm really tierd)

SO... just now i went with dad to go drop off the girls at Sheetz where Kara (the dance teacher) picks them up for their job on wednesdays. we call them wonderfull woosterful wednesdays!
AND today is Miss KatieYack's BIRTHDAY

HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY KATIE You have lots of presents waiting for u when u get home!

OK uuuuummmmmmm............... uuuuummmmmm.............. Today this is my sechedule get up at 6:30, read till 7:00, eat breakfast untill 7:25, do ktyacks makeup untill 7:45, leave to drop the girls off at their job that lasts untill 8:15, come home BLOG untill i have no clue what time ( whatever time that i posted at), do school, mom's friend is coming over for lunch at 11:30 untill 2:00 in which i can do anything i want ( i'll most likely read Jinx on the Divide by Elizabeth Kay) then do more of whatever i want ( most likely the computer) then at 3:10 go pick the girls up from their job and then whatever!

i have to go and do school w/e so,
ITAPT (i'll try and post tomorow or later)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Hello people

Hey waz up???

OK so yesterday was this really exciting day Ktyack got her test scores from the psat ;D

today we have dance and then we're going straight from dance to our LIGHT ( homeschool group) christmas party which will be fun because i get to see my friends from LIGHT that i only get to see once a month:( so i'll see them tonight and i have to go and eat lunch right now but i'll really try to post again this week!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Hey everyone!
it hasn't been a month since my last post! ( yay i'm so proud of myself)
Kt and Hannah are gone at their job ( SNIFF SNIFF) and i'm well done w/ school for the day and it's ONLY TEN EIGHTEEN AT THE MOMENT!!!!!!
ya that's just kinda scary. BUT ANYWAYS
TODAY IS MY BEST FRIENDS B-DAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATIE F.( her name's Katie too yes) and I messed up the color pattern b/c her fav. color is ORANGE
and I finished page onehundred in my math book today!! ( just a random fact) and HHHMMMMMM..................

yesterday we leaders meeting and there were three kids but we played Trouble and Hide and Go Seek which had dance and I was EXHAUSTED AFTER THAT and then mom and dad had a was fun and ya

tonight kt has dance and we are going 2 the church to fill candy bags and dad has a meeting

I really should post a pic of my thumb some time before it grows out.
it really is just DESGUTSING ya it's starting to grow out on the side too.
it's actually really interesting

la de da la de da la de da...... what to post now HHHHHMMMMMMMM.......

if u tried to go to Jacobs xanga it was wrong but I fixed it

la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da la de da
ok I think that's enough of that ( by the way I just copyed and pasted not hand typed )


Friday, October 21, 2005


I know it's really pathetic Aug. 24 is when i last posted REALLY PATHETIC.
ok what's happend since then: the previous day my thumb had gotten smashed in the car door and that turned blue/black so ya that hurt a lot.and is now growing out so i have this hole in my nail, really pretty.
So Oct. 7-9 MIDDLE SCHOOL RETREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ya i met jacob ( kt went to hslt/ him) he was (and still is) a kool dude.
i got a pic of him, and maybe i'll post it sometime.

i'm watching America's Most Talented Kid's it's OK
and i g2g
i promise to post more bye

Friday, August 26, 2005

Geauga Lake

Hey everybody,
we just got back from geauga lake about 2hrs ago we had SOOOOOOO MUCH FUN.
I RODE MY FIRST ROLLER COASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First we went on the beaver mining co. Roller coaster but I don't really count that as my first roller coaster BUT my first roller coaster was THE DOMINATOR and my second one was X-Flight which was SO TOTALLY ROCKIN QWERTY AWSUM ( just being my norm yack self and being random) so you like start out on your back going up this hill then you twist so your harness is holding you in JUST THAT and you go down this hill on your stomach and it really feels like your flying OMIGOSH it was SOOOOOO cool and if I seem repetitive then don't stop reading b/c I'm probly gonna be more repetitive but just ignore it.

so we went on the mine ride twice then Hannah and dad went on dominator and then I went on dominator w/ dad and Hannah again and then I took kt on so yeh. then I THINK we went on X-Flight then ate and did the bumper cars and the merry go round then we did these car things. Then we walked over the lake and did the swinging ship (but consult kt's blog and you'll be good ) 3 times then we went on the scrambler and then walked over to the water park side but didn't do anything in the water park cuz we didn't bring our suits.
then we went on the 4-D simulator thing then we went on dominator again and x-flight then we left!


Monday, August 22, 2005


Hey everybody!
I'm trying to get 80 comments so comment all ya want and i won't care but JUNK comments WILL BE DELETED and no numbas also has to be actual words but i don't care about cutting up comments! :)

Sunday, August 21, 2005


OH MY WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVEN'T POSTED IN 4E-V-E-R.
we have been busy but if you look at my sister's blogs well we've been busy but they choose to post insted of going 2 other sites.
what have i been up to lately uuuummmmmmmm....... we were actually really busy yesterday we had 3 things to do doesn't sound like mutch but when you have things one after another it gets really tiering
my day yesterday

watch TV for a while then
get ready for the day
uuuummmmm play the compu
go to our first thing of the day 2:00 neghborhood picnic
come home go to the second picnic at a bowling alley talk w/ friends and eat dinner
watch friends bowl
leave and come home and leave again for rite-aid to get milk
come home and angie and jason are here for life group/ small group
go upstairs and play the compu and take wacky pics w/ dads camera
raid downstairs for a snack ( like at 9:45) listen to them talk till about 10:00 then go to bed

then this mornings schedule
dad wakes me up at about 8:00
get ready in about 10 min.
eat breakfast
go to church and run the power point
stay for second service and help w/ jr. church
come home and eat lunch
play the compu
watch golf
then play the compu some more and am writing this

nock nock? ( who's there) controll freak now you say controll freak who

That's it i'm out'a here

Press on

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


hey everyone i haven't posted in FOREVER sry bout that just been busy and haven't had time to post 'n' all.
if you haven't been reading my sister's blogs then you won't know that my great grandmother passed away a couple of weeks ago she had been sick for a while and she was 85 yrs. old so yeh.
this week i've been going to my friends vbs which is the same theam that our vbs did this year it's a prayer safari kingdom of the son it's lots of fun. today will be my third day going.
we've been so busy kt's going to HSLT in a couple of days ( highschool Leadership training) which she's very excited about. and in 2 days 14 hrs and 6 min. harry potter and the half blood prince is coming out!!! YAY
kt's babysitting the F's right now ( my best friend and her little brother and sister) i had better get dressed so i'll be right back or not i have no clothes that are clean and match to wear!!! mom's doing laundry today.
well here's my daily schedule for this week so far:
Mon. : get up read in bed for an hour go down stairs and eat breakfast read some more go to vbs.
Tues. : get up read in bed for an hour or so go down stairs and eat breakfast read some more go to vbs.
Wed. get up read in bed for an hour or so go down stairs and eat breakfast play the computer.
were ya noticing a trend??? ( you don't have to answer that ).
My blogs all messed up and i don't know how to fix it if you got any suggestions then PLEASE POST THEM thanx g2g.

Monday, June 20, 2005


hi bye

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Hi everyone,
Sorry I haven't written 4 a while I've been SOOOOOOOOO busy.
We've had VBS ( vacation bible school) from Sunday till tonight we've been learning the Lords Prayer so here goes from me: " our father who art in heavan hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heavan give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtours and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kindom the power and the glory forever amen Matthew 6:9-13
we're gonna go shopping so i gotta go but maybe i'll post when we got home if i get anything

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


hey everybody i just wrote a really long blog then i went to this thing and my blog dissapeared and NOW there's no blog RECOVER POST button but i'll post a blog tomorrow
BYE love my parents and friends

Monday, June 06, 2005


HI!!!!!! i'm hyper because we are at our grandparents house WITHOUT PARENTS YIPEEEEEEE ( no offence mom and dad who are reading this) (he! he! he! he! he! he! he! he! he! he! he! he! he!) but any ways we got here around 2:00 PM and like ran around and put our stuff away. yeh so around 2:20 we remember that ambush makeover's on so we turn on the tv in the kitchen and watch the end of that. then we looked at pictures and stuff and hannah was doing her blog ( and now i'm doing mine. i know that on wednesday we are going horseback riding and i know that pops has lots planed for us. such as bowling and walking around the resivoir and stuff like that, fun stuff. I miss all my friends and family but not too much ( he he)
2 my fam. and friends LOVE YA,
and miss ya,
i'll post tomorrow

Sunday, June 05, 2005


Hey every one,
I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry that I haven't updated in so long I just haven't had a lot of time to do this kinda thing.
Right now i'm typing this and kinda getting ready for church at the same time.
Yesterday we had our VARIATY SHOW and everything went well on the sound board *which i happend to be running* and well it was an AWSUM show
i g2g but tonight we have our dance recital YAY!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

My all purpous post

Hey y'all
Please drop a comment and tell me how you are! K? K.
so on sat. we had a soccer game and we won 5-2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm WEIRRRRRRRRRRDe and i lkie to sepll tihngs rong ( ALL FOR YOU JAMES) ( for you who dont know james likes to spell things wrong)
anyways, today and right now Katie my friend and Rac.. oh no Bruce han.. NO DORYS!, friend are both over.
On Thursday Katie ( who is over right now ( watching me type this )) for my birthday really late ( my birthday's april fifteenth) gave me a TAMAGOTCHI!!! :))) and for those of you who don't know they are virtual pets if you want to learn more about them then you can go to and my next post'll be all about about tamagotchi and i'll try and get some clip type art stuff
i'd probably better go but i might do another post later that's my tamagotchi post

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Up Dating

Hi again,
I haven't written for 4 EVER and so I decided to up date.
Last time I posted was saturday so from Sunday: We went to Church and afterwards we went out to lunch with some new people from church and KT went with some friends to Cleveland and were doing some fund raising for HSLT ( highschool leadership training ) then we came home for like 2 min. then we left again for a friends bridal shower then when we got home we just chilled and i forget what i did but then we went to youth group at our church ( sometimes i feel like we live at the church) came home and went to bed. Monday: got up did school then watched Ambush Make over then went over to my friends house came home ate dinner then went to soccer, came home and went to bed. Tuesday: got up did school watched Ambush make over then went to dance watched american idol went to bed. Today: got up did school watched ambush make over ( can you sense a pattern in my life) went to my friends house came home ate and went to my soccer game( we won 4-0 yay Fire Bolts) and now am at the library which closes soon so i g2g,

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Baby Sitting & Soccer

Hi everyone,
We ( kt Hannah and I ) Just got back from baby sitting the Kile Kids ( there r 3 of them Lauren, Madison, And Zack) they are triplets. In general they're good so here's how it went when I was there: We got there and ate dinner and watched part of the incredible and part of world race then we put them to bed I called dad and he came and picked Hannah and I up then like 20 minutes later kt came home and the Jundis were here and Alyssa was playing the piano and it was really cute but then when she had to get up she started to cry ( she's only like 1 1/2 ) and then she hugged all of us good night and they went home and we brushed our teeth and I'm writing this.
then this morning we had our soccer game and we LOST 9-1 them but they're like the best team so cant really blame them.
I g2g2 bed so,
Night all

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Hi every body,
I'm really tired,
and tonight I have soccer practice then we ( our family) is going to see barkly ( still not sure if that's how u spell that) but yeh any ways I kinda gotta go do school.
if I figure out how I'll try and post some pictures of barkly on here.
I g2g
by itapml ( I'll try and post more later)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


today mom had to be somewhere at 10:20 and of all the days today has to be the day that... i'm getting to that.
it started out like a not normal day for me because i slept in so i got up and when i started school we all heard this really loud BANG and so mom was looking all around to try and find what had made the noise.
so she goes to leave and presses the garage door button and it doesn't do anything so she can't get the car out to leave. so she calls our neighbor and he comes over and FINALLY fixes the garage door so mom can get out, but it's still kina broken because you can't hit the button because something's not Lined up right so yeh.
i got 2 go finish school but i might post later,
Bye ipl ( i'll post later)


today mom had to be somewhere at 10:20 and of all the days today has to be the day that... i'm getting to that.
it started out like a not normal day for me because i slept in so i got up and when i started school we all heard this relly loud BANG and so mom was looking all around to try and find what had made the noise.
so she goes to leave and presses the garage door button and it doesn't do anything so she can't get the car out to leave. so she calls our neghbor and he comes over and FINALLY fixes the garage door so mom can get out, but it's still kina broken because you can't hit the button because something's not ligned up right so yeh.
i got 2 go finish school but i might post later,
Bye ipl ( i'll post later)

Sunday, April 24, 2005

Today and Yesterdays events

Hi, last night we got some exciting news!!!!!!!:)
Our friends ( Angie & Jason) just moved into a new house in the middle of March and last night they GOT A DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which is really exciting because Angie had wanted a dog for a long time, and on the 27th (I think) is their anniversary so it was kind their anniversary present to each other and we might see Barkly ( I think that's how you spell it and Barkly is the dogs name) Monday night or Friday night.
Mom and I went shopping and we got him some little chew toys. I'm going to make a list
Name: Barkly
Gender: Male
Age: 2 1/2 months
Birthday: Feb. 13th
Owners: Jason & Angie

Jason and Angie were trying to think of names and Jason thought they could call him (Because he's black and Jason is a big Star Wars fan ) Vader, but Angie thought that they should name him Mickey or they finally decided on Barkly.
I've got to go to bed so,
Night all

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Hi Again

Hey Y'all we didn't have a soccer game this morning because the feilds were so soggy and it was raining really hard.
But that means that the Kline girls got to stay longer so right now their parents are here and Mr. Kline and my dad went to get pizza for lunch and they just got back and Morgan just gave me my BIRTHDAY PRESENT.
I have to go and eat some lunch,
i'll post later,

Friday, April 22, 2005


Hi again TOMORROW I have a soccer game. That may not be realy big to some of y'all but in the forcast 4 tomorrow is............. SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S APRIL 23rd TOMORROW FOR HEAVANS SAKE ITS SPRING I DON'T WANT ANY MORE SNOW.
But to get back on track ( to directly quote my sister KT ) this is going to be our second game as a team ( I've played soccer for 2 yrs. ) and in our first game I SCORED that would be like the 4th time I've scored in my entire life :) !!!!!!!! ANYWAYS we won our game last week but only by 1 point but the score was 2-1 us so that was FINE with me.
I g2g,


Hi everybody today is friday and on some fridays we have art and this just happens to be one of them and later after art Kt, Hannah,( my sisters) and I are all going to have our friends over to spend the night and they are all sisters too Lauren, Erin, and Morgan well I got to go so we can go to the library before art
I'll try and post something tomorrow after soccer ( in the morning )